

Diabetic Clinic

Diabetic eye disease is the set of visual complications of diabetes. Visual loss occurs when the presence of diabetic eye disease is severe enough to block the visual pathway (diabetic cataract, vitreous haemorrhage, preretinal haemorrhage) or, to distort and destroy the visual structures at the back of the eye (rods, cones, macula, retinal blood vessels and layers).

Diabetic eye disease is a major cause of legal blindness in working aged people. The incidence of diabetic eye disease is primarily related to adequacy of blood sugar control and duration of diabetes. After 15 years of diabetes, most will have some signs of diabetic eye disease, most of which is asymptomatic.

Very few of all diabetics suffer significant visual loss. Of those that do, the loss was often preventable and is irreversible.

The presence of diabetic changes within the eye (small retinal haemorrhages, leakages and swellings, growth of abnormal vessels) may go completely unnoticed until suddenly, visual loss occurs from an extension of well established diabetic changes. Reversing the visual loss thus entails treating the much more extensive diabetic processes.

Regular eye reviews, at least two yearly from diabetic diagnosis, are the best protection for a diabetic's sight. Early detection and intervention on a general health level as well as on an eye level will substantially reduce the risk of developing diabetic visual loss.

Early detection of diabetic changes within the eye may encourage better diabetic control overall with consequent regression of the eye changes. Laser eye treatments are done in moderate to severe eye disease

Specific eye treatments are directed to sealing leaking vessels with lasers, inactivating poorly functioning peripheral retina that produces new abnormal vessels and, in advanced disease, surgical treatments to repair vitreous haemorrhage and retinal detachment.

Diabetes will be your lifelong companion. Early detection, tight control and understanding of the condition, and regular checks will minimise the development of sight theatening changes across a lifetime.

Contact Ratnam Eye Hospital today for all your Cataract needs in Ahmedabad City at Call us 79266 42347.