Eye Care Tips

Follow the 20-20-20 rule. After every 20 minutes of work, look 20 feet away from the computer screen and blink 20 times.

Eyes blink less during the computer use and we tend to stare, during which time the blink rate falls. So consciously blink while working on the computer. Try to avoid half blinks.

Use lubricating eye drops in both the eyes before every session on the computer. If use of the computer is frequent then prefer the preservative free eye drops. These are available with most chemists without prescription.

Moderate to severe eye fatigue may need glasses as some Cylindrical Refractive Error may need to be corrected. If you work several hours a day, you may need numbered Computer Glasses that give the eye rest while working on the computer. Our Optometrists will assist you get the right pair.

Avoid using Contact Lenses while working on computer as they tend to worsen the Dryness of the eyes caused by the computer.

Maintain a good distance from the computer screen. Sit approximately 22 to 28 inches away from it. Sitting to close or too far may increase the Strain on eyes.

The center of the computer screen should be 4-5 inches below your Eye Level. Its best to look at the computer screen in a Downward Gaze. This position helps the lids to cover most part of the eyes and still view normally with less surface exposure and drying of tears.

Check your posture from time to time to reduce Neck-Shoulder-Wrist pain. Keep your wrists straight and not supported on some sharp edges.

Use adjustable chairs so that you can maintain good posture by adjusting it to your need. Your legs should always be rested on ground.

Arrange the lighting in the room such that the Glare and Reflection in the Screen are reduced to minimum. Preferably use the flat panel screens as they don’t reflect light.